Tuesday 14 January 2014

Just married.

14th FEB-uncle's wedding day.
and here's some photo sharing.

stay happiness💏

Sunday 12 January 2014


awful projects pbs
unstoppable homeworks
endless tuition classes
household little chores ...
make me really suck for tonight!
i do nothing
but cry.

i wanna have a little rest.

Friday 10 January 2014

Compile my 2014 resolutions!

1. Practise healthy lifestyle.
Actually it's quite hard for me to implement those 'sleep earlier,wake up earlier' life routine,especially on the weekends(friday and saturday).Although those stacks of projects and homeworks make me almost impossible to make the resolution true but i'll try my very best to organise a better time management.And that's freaking important to me.

2.Step away from the scale
Keep fit,in other words!Avoiding supper is pretty hard for me,so i'm now to start practising to have a healthier diet and certain exercises too.Have more vege and fruits.Workout for at least 30 squats per day.Drink more water.And keep going!Sincerely,i hope that it works!

3.Read more
Read at least 1 or 2 English book(fiction,non-fiction,newspaper whatever do help in English) per months.Work hard to improve and enhance my English level(blogging help bit by bit also,i believed that) as i gonna sit for my Malaysia University English Test(MUET) paper in the coming July and i hope to strike for a Band 5.But i actually pretty weak in grammar and vocab,so,follow teachers' advices-READ!

4.Keep the room clean
It's freaking tough for me to accomplish this simple task especially during exam seasons.As you enter the room,you can feel like you're in the World War II. Papers and books cover my bed,table,chairs....in short,it's an eyesore indeed!These situation has lasted for years,and i know that's a bad habit,yet i fail to curb for it.The only resolution for this 'resolution' is PERSEVERANCE.

5.Be grateful.
Appreciate the single moments with friends and family.They'll leave someday,or probably I,myself.I feel contented to have my sisters(from primary school till secondary school best friends) and some of my secondary school best friends.Although they've leaved for their studies,but we still have some gathering when everyone is back.As for the present,i enjoyed myself to mingle around with my 6th form bestie(left about one year).So,make the days count instead of counting the days left.

6.Strive for the best in STPM
This.Is.A.BIG.One.I gonna finish my one-and-a-half year 6th form studies in this year.For my expectation,i don't think i did my 1st term exam well,so i plan to have a retake for it.For the coming 2nd and 3rd term exam,i'll try to excel for a better grade.It.Is.A.MUST!